Frequently Asked Questions

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General Questions

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What makes Therabyte unique to other platforms?

Therabyte App has been designed and tested by Occupational Therapists (OTs) and Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs) across Canada. It was built to meet the unique practice needs of OTs and SLPs.


  • Three-step visual scheduler – At a glance, our three-step scheduler allows you to see the stages of each client event. This allows for a quick visual check to see if you have finished your planning and charting each day. 
  • One-click invoicing – Invoices start when an event is created. Viewing all un-invoiced items in the client chart, you can combine multiple sessions into one invoice for easy monthly billing to your client or funder. 
  • Goal tracking Therabyte integrates goals into the client workflow and allows for session note taking on each goal, as well as progress tracking. This ensures you stay on task with your goals during each session. 

Who should use Therabyte?

Any allied health practitioner running a clinic or home based client practice, where they are required to keep and store sensitive client information. Our platform has an emphasis on tracking client progress, simple invoicing, and easy digital documentation.

What makes Therabyte secure?

Therabyte meets all Canadian privacy standards with bank-level security. (FOIPA, FIPPA, PHIPA and PIPEDA compliant).

  • Canadian hosted
  • Full 2-way encryption (TSL 1.2 AES 256 bit encryption)
  • Password protected per user

The information stored on our servers is safer than the information stored on your computer, due to backups and built-in redundancy. It is also safe from fires or floods.

Can I upgrade later from Solo if my practice grows?

Yes, we have priced Therabyte specifically to support clinicians starting out in their own private practice. As you grow, we grow with you. Once you reach the 25 session limit, you’ll get an in-app notification. Just let us know and we will transition your account to unlimited sessions.

How long does it take to set up my Therabyte account?

We can have you up and running with your Therabyte account within one hour. This includes training guides and in-app chat support.

Do you offer batch client upload?

Yes, if you have your client information in an excel spreadsheet we are able to port that information to Therabyte. 

Other practice management software systems will offer this information to you if you are switching from another EMR.

How will I benefit from Therabyte if I only have a few clients?

Therabyte was designed to meet the needs of the solo practitioner as well as small clinics. Even with just a few clients you’ll get the automation of an EMR at a price that will quickly pay for itself by reducing the amount of time you spend searching for notes or completing invoices.

I find new software really intimidating. Is Therabyte intuitive?

Yes. We hear all the time from our customers how user friendly and intuitive Therabyte is.

  • We offer personalized onboarding
  • Daytime tech support by in-app chat, email or phone
  • You get guided email onboarding to help set up your clinic

I am a busy clinician. How long will it take to switch to digital charting?

We get it! We hear this from clinicians all the time. We suggest a few options: 

  • Batch import – you can send us a list of specific client fields in an excel spreadsheet. This can be acquired from your previous provider or other software you use and we will do the magic of adding that data to your clinic.
  • Pick a couple of clients a week to start on the new platform and do a gradual transition. This will allow you to become familiar with the platform at a pace you can easily manage.
  • Try inputting your contacts and switching over your client calendar before you start charting and using the other integrations.
  • Make charting a habit! We designed the scheduler with a three-step process with visual cues so that it keeps you on track. You are visually rewarded when you close the loop on an event and finish your charting daily.

Do you offer payment processing for customers?

Yes, we do! We have integrated Stripe payments into the Therabyte customer’s experience to allow for payment of invoices as well as prepayments. You can read more about Stripe here.

Privacy and Security Questions

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Is Therabyte HIPAA compliant?

Yes. Therabyte follows HIPAA compliance for customers in the US. With our servers being located within the US. For each new US Therabyte account that is created, we will sign a BAA with the practitioner. Check out this blog post to read more about our journey to HIPAA compliance. Read the full blog here.

Is Therabyte PIPEDA, PHIPA, and PIPA compliant in Canada?

Therabyte meets all Canadian privacy standards with bank-level security. (FOIPPA, PIPEDA, PHIPA (ON), and PIPA (BC, AB) compliant).

  • Canadian hosted
  • Full 2-way encryption (TSL 1.2 AES 256-bit encryption)
  • Password protected per user

The information stored on our servers is safer than the information stored on your computer, due to backups and built-in redundancy. It is also safe from fires or floods.

Learn more about Canadian privacy and security standards here.

Where is my client's data stored and for how long?

Therabyte services practitioners working in both Canada and the US. When a new account is created it is created on the servers located within the user’s country. As long as your subscription is active, you remain the steward of the client information. In accordance with privacy and security laws, once the account is terminated or abandoned, the client information is deleted. 

How else can I safeguard my client information?


  • Use a secure password – A secure password should include a capital letter, number, and symbol. 


  • Consent forms – When service delivery type changes, a new client consent should be completed that includes information about the technology used and where client information is stored. 


  • Password protected – Make sure to keep your computer password protected as well as any technology that you use where health information is shared to the cloud, eg. Email, text etc.

Telehealth Questions

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What is telehealth?

Telehealth is a service delivery model used by rehab practitioners to offer their professional services from a distance, connecting practitioners and clients for assessment, intervention, and consultation. Telehealth is a holistic experience of engagement for the client.

Others doing telehealth use a combination of applications linked together to provide their services, such as online booking, scheduling, documentation, video sessions, and invoicing. Learn more by clicking this link.

For telehealth guidelines, click here.

For Teletherapy Resources for OTs and SLPs, click here.

Where are the Therabyte servers located?

Therabyte services practitioners working in Canada and the US, with servers in each respective country. 

Can I use Therabyte for telehealth only?

Yes, you can. However, we no longer offer individual pricing for Therabyte Meet only. Therabyte Meet is available for 1:1 client meetings and small groups of 2-3 on every subscription plan. Check out our pricing plans here.

What are the benefits of telehealth?

  • extend your reach of client services
  • serve clients when they are temporarily out of the province
  • increase the frequency of contact 
  • reduce travel time
  • remote monitoring
  • reduce health-related risks

Discover what sets Therabyte App apart from other practice management software by reading this blog post.

How does Therabyte Meet work?

Different from Zoom, Therabyte Meet works through a portal to portal connect between the practitioner and the client. This means that both the client and the practitioner need to be logged into their Therabyte portal to access the video session. You can learn more about that here.

Subscription And Pricing

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What is the cost of a monthly subscription?

Starting at $36/month, we support solo practitioners working part-time. Learn more about our pricing here.

Do you offer part time pricing?

Yes, we do for Team plans! On a team plan, you can add additional full-time practitioners for $25 and part-time practitioners for $10. This allows for a unique login and tracking for each practitioner.

What happens if I leave private practice or stop my business?

You have two options, switch to a $5/month storage plan and we will store your data read-only for as long as you need. Or we will help you off-board your documentation and upload it for you to store personally. 

What happens if I leave private practice or stop my business?

You have two options, switch to a $5/month storage plan and we will store your data read-only for as long as you need. Or we will help you off-board your documentation and upload it for you to store personally.

On the solo plan, what is meant by 25 sessions?

We define a session as direct client interaction, booked in the scheduler as a session, it does not relate to indirect client events. To learn more about the difference between direct and indirect client events, watch this short video.

Do you offer a deal on annual pricing?

Yes, we do! When you sign up for any of our plans for the year, you get 12 months for the price of 11. In other words, you get 1 month free.