Improving client engagement and treatment outcomes while saving you time!

With a goal-centric approach, Therabyte provides rehab practitioners with time-saving tools that improve client engagement and treatment outcomes. Our platform focuses on long-term client relationships and progress through our unique goal-tracking approach and scheduling workflow.

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Therabyte Co-Founders

Our Story

As an independent private practice pediatric OT, like so many other practitioners, I had to use multiple tools to manage my day-to-day admin tasks. Managing my day required a little bit of everything – MS Word docs for documentation, a paper and pencil calendar for scheduling, and MS Excel for invoicing. 

I was frustrated by redundancy and having to switch from one application to another to get through the day. As a solo-practitioner, it was a drain on my time and energy. All I wanted was a way to combine all my client data into an automated workflow that would not only show client progress, but function like a virtual assistant. At the time, it seemed like a pipe dream to get all of that functionality in a single system.

Fortunately, I’m married to a software designer/developer, and after months of hearing me say, “I wish there was a program that would just…,” my husband Mike and I began planning and building Therabyte.

And 6 years later, we’re going strong.

– Ashley Reina

Every time you use Therabyte, you fuel the parts of your practice that matter most

Occupational Therapists, Speech-Language Pathologists and Behavioural Therapists across Canada use Therabyte to automate administrative tasks and give all stakeholders a meaningful window into progress and results. 

As an all-in-one solution, Therabyte brings you secure cloud access to integrated online intake, planning, charting, goal-tracking and invoicing—and the telehealth features you need to stay connected and compliant from anywhere. As a Canadian-hosted telehealth platform, Therabyte Meet abides by professional college requirements for security and privacy. At every stage of your clients’ journey, Therabyte intuitively acts as your assistant—serving up meaningful data to capture, visualize and inspire progress. 

As Therabyte’s reach grows, so does our tribe! We are committed to creating opportunities that empower and connect our rehab practitioner community. Look out for our digital meet-ups, webinars, videos and resources on social media.

Practice management software designed by a Canadian OT and her tech-savvy husband

Ashley Reina

Ashley Reina

Ashley is a Canadian occupational therapist, and CEO and co-founder of Therabyte. In addition to her role at Therabyte, Ashley has been running her own private pediatric practice for the last 10 years. She has truly lived the good and bad of private practice, making her a great test case for new features.
Mike Reina

Mike Reina

Mike is a true creative problem-solver. He’s basically the guy most OTs wish they had to outsource their tech problems to. He has a degree in Information Systems, giving him the software knowledge to turn clinical practice problems into real software solutions.

Our Values

This is what makes us tick, and how we support the needs of practitioners.

  • Connection
  • Family-centered
  • Community
  • Time
  • Collaboration
  • Innovation

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