Starting Teletherapy During a Pandemic

April 23, 2020

Starting Teletherapy During a Pandemic

A guide for rehab practitioners – OT, SLP, PT, Behaviour. This is a difficult time in the world, so many things that are “normal” have changed.  Check out below for tips and a checklist to make your transition to Teletherapy a bit easier.  Just because times are hard right now doesn’t mean that starting Teletherapy has to be.

First – Growth Mindset Engaged!

  • Believe in you! You are an incredible Therapist, you are the most important piece of this therapy puzzle. That has not changed.
  • Get Excited, excitement and joy are contagious and it will show in your face.
  • Remember your why? You got into therapy because of helping others and building relationships, that is still the most important.
  • Be kind to yourself. This is new and like most new things it will feel a bit weird and awkward. It will get better and feel more comfortable. 

Second – Connect with your Clients!

  • Call them and just check in.
  • Listen to their concerns and needs.
  • Share the benefits of Teletherapy (Easier access, reduced cost – no travel, potential for increased frequency, psychological comfort, and flexibility).
  • Plan ahead, send them a plan for the session with materials to gather.

Third – Learn your Teletherapy platform!

  • Practice with a friend get familiar with the process.
  • Understand the technical requirements for the system
  • Know the troubleshooting tips and have the guide handy.
  • With Therabyte App we offer personalized onboarding, training and troubleshooting guides for you and your clients.

Fourth – Setting up your home clinic

  • Keep it simple to get started a computer, whiteboard and markers.
  • Schedule – make sure that it matches your needs and your family. You can’t give from an empty cup. So start small and then build your way up.

Fifth – Teach the Teletherapy platform to your clients!

  • Set up a practice session first with your client – give them a phone call and step through the onboarding process so they feel successful. Logging in to client portal, accessing the virtual meeting room, mute, cameras and how to screen share.
  • Allow time for troubleshooting with their electronic equipment and home set up.
  • When you encounter a problem, make sure to ask what device and browser they are using to ensure they are compatible with your platform.


Checklist prior to a Teletherapy session:

  • Set up your materials (physical and virtual)
  • Plug in computer
  • Log into your platform or system
  • Check your wifi or ethernet connection
  • Check the camera and mic are working
  • Close all application windows not needed (helps with video quality)
  • Trouble shooting guide in hand
  • List of materials ready for client to gather (send in chat on video)
  • Have your documentation application open to take notes as you go.
  • Get some water
  • Use the bathroom
  • Have fun!

Session Outline:

  1. Connect with child and check in with parent
  2. Explain your plan for the session and share the material list to be gathered.
  3. Define the role the parent will have during different parts of the session.
  4. Set the tone – talk about the benefits of telehealth and what to expect during the session such as grabbing things or adjusting the camera.
  5. Carry out your plan
  6. Wrap up
    1. Point out the successes
    2. Discuss things learned with the parent that went well and to do different next time.
    3. Assign to-do’s and homework,
    4. State the plan for the next session
    5. Confirm the time.


More Teletherapy resources to get you started!

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