Beyond Limits Learning and Therapy Services Inc’s Journey with Therabyte

December 13, 2023
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THERABYTE’S FIRST FILIPINO CUSTOMER – How Therabyte has elevated their delivery of OT services at their Filipino clinic.


Healthtech is a growing industry. Technology, can assist with the move from outdated and old-fashioned ways of service delivery, but the switch takes time and adjusting to new habits. Then add in, swimming against the current in an under developed country like the Philippines, where IT infrastructure is poor. Meggie Espina, Owner of Beyond Limits Learning and Therapy Services Inc., made the switch in 2022. She took the leap to improve how her staff work and support their clients. In a conversation with Meggie, Therabyte’s CEO, Ashley, discussed with her, their experience of implementing Therabyte and the remarkable changes it has brought to their multidisciplinary clinic.  

How did you first hear about Therabyte?

Meggie first heard about Therabyte from a peer, initially exploring various software options. She assumed this peer was also using Therabyte in their clinic, and later learned she was not. Upon trialing Therabyte, she discovered that it was  Therabyte’s was much smoother and more convenient in comparison to other software they tried.  

Tell us about your systems prior to switching to Therabyte.

Before Therabyte, they were operating with different software systems for scheduling, documentation, and communication. This posed significant organizational and efficiency challenges. Meggie aimed to integrate these functions into a single, cohesive system. They trialed another system for a month, that is used by some other clinics in the Philippines, Therapglobal, but it was so complicated to use and the team kept telling them it was too difficult and they wanted to move back to Therabyte.  

What transformation did your clinic see when you returned to using Therabyte?

“Our team was more relaxed, they were getting their reporting done and everything just felt so much easier and convenient for us.”


Upon implementing Therabyte, the clinic experienced immediate improvements.

  • Communication and scheduling became more efficient.
    • With individual access for each therapist, they weren’t relying on the admin staff for their schedules
  • Reduced dependency on the admin staff.
  • Parents found it easier to track their child’s progress through online session notes
    • Email communication is still not that common, however some of making that transition and able to log into their portal for easy access to updates on client progress.
  • No lost notes – sometimes a client’s paper note book would get lost at home or the clinic, with online documentation, it is always available to any member of the team.
  • Ability to update doctors quickly and accurately
  • Increased professionalism as Filipino OTs.
  • Ease of invoicing for the admin staff and tracking who has and hasn’t paid
  • Ability to track when their clients have achieved their goals.
  • Saving paper through online intake forms


Meggie pointed out that the invoicing tool, making admin tasks easier, and keeping track of paid sessions were really helpful for the clinic. Therapists really liked how Therabyte helped track goals, making it clear for parents and helping patients achieve their goals. Also, the online intake system made things easier by replacing manual tasks and making the work smoother.

What is the unexpected benefit you are noticing in your clinic?

“Living in the Philippines, it’s a third world country. Sometimes we are just adapt to what is around us and do what we are used to. Using Therabyte, has allowed us to adapt to good practice outside of our country. You know, we would want our practice to be the same as those who are outside of the Philipinnes. We looking to other countries for what they are doing? How are they working? Why does their work have more quality then ours?

So, it has allowed us to adapt to a higher level of professionalism and best practices. Sometimes, it’s difficult to go out of your comfort zone, but then you realize that this is something that will benefit not just you as a therapist, but also your clients and the other therapist.  They get to see us adopting good practices from outside the Philippines.”

Looking back at how Therabyte helped, Meggie strongly suggests other clinics use it. Beyond the anticipated benefits, the adoption of Therabyte led to an unforeseen positive—embracing professionalism and best practices from outside the Philippines. This shift in mindset helped them learn better ways to work, which made there service much better overall.  


The shift from traditional paper-based methods to Therabyte marked a transformative chapter for Beyond Limits Learning and Therapy Services Inc. This change revolutionized their operations, promoting enhanced organization, efficiency, and a more professional approach. Meggie’s unwavering dedication to embracing innovation and prioritizing the clinic’s and clients’ well-being stands as a compelling testament to growth and an unwavering commitment to advancing therapeutic care.  


As Therabyte continues to empower clinics worldwide, stories like Beyond Limits Learning and Therapy Services Inc.’s inspire a shift towards embracing modern, integrated healthcare systems, ultimately enhancing patient experiences and outcomes.

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